1st Grade

 1st Grade Counseling Lesson Information

LESSON #5: Identify similarities and differences among students within the school community (teaching empathy & appreciation/ respect for diversity).
In our counseling lesson, we focused on learning how to recognize the feeling of others in different situations. We learned the strategy of STOP, LOOK, and THINK, to help us determine how someone is feeling.

LESSON #4: Identify a variety of feelings
In this counseling lesson, we focused our attention to our feelings.  When things happen to us, we have feelings like, happy, sad, mad, scared, etc.  Some feelings make us feel good while others make us feel uncomfortable.  However, ALL of our feeling are OK to have.  Our feelings tell us when something is going well and when something is wrong.  The more you learn about your feelings the more you learn about YOU!

LESSON #3: Interacting with others in ways that respect individual and group differences.
In our 3rd counseling lesson of the year, first graders explored how to interact with others respectfully.  We listened to the book, The Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neill and Laura Huliska-Beith.  In the book, Jean who has named herself "the recess queen" is not very nice to the other students on the playground.  It wasn't until a new student came to the school that "Mean Jean" became kind and friendly.  We talked about ways to be a recess friend to others.

LESSON #2: Express feelings effectively, both verbally and non-verbally.
First graders learned about feeling and that all of our feelings are ok to have.  We watch a reading of The Way I Feel by Janan Cain.  We talked about things that would make us feel happy, sad, mad, scared, excited, etc.  The first graders then made their own "The Way I Feel" book.  Be on the lookout for that coming home!!! 

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