
Kindergarten Counseling Lesson Information

LESSON #4: Identify basic feelings
In our counseling lesson, we learned about our basic feelings.  We read the book, "Today I Feel Silly" by Jamie Lee Curtis.  We then played an interactive feelings game on the Do2Learn website.  We learned that all of our feelings are ok to have.  The more we learn about our feelings, the more we learn about ourselves.  It is important for children to learn about their own feelings and the feelings of others.  

LESSON #3: Identify safe and healthy choices at home and school.
In our 3rd counseling lesson, we focused on the difference between tattling and telling.  We listened to the book, Don't Squeal Unless It's a Big Deal, by Jeanie Franz Ransom.  The book helped us understand that we should tell an adult when someone is hurt, something is dangerous or if something is a BIG deal.  We do not need to tell an adult when we can handle things ourselves or if something was an accident (accidentally bumped into someone).

LESSON #2: Demonstrate how to be a friend.

Our second lesson of the year was focused on how to be a friend.  We watched Captain McFinn: Teaching Your Kids How to Be Good People and  Captain McFinn: Help Kids Learn How to Stop Bullying to learn what it looks like to be a good friend. We then did an activity to assess their knowledge of what it looks like to be a good friend. The students were shown several pictures and had to give a thumbs up if it looked like the children in the picture were being good friends or a thumbs down if they were not being good friends. All of the students did very well!!! Keep encouraging your child to be a kind and respectful friend!

LESSON #1: What is a school counselor? 
Our first lesson of the year was learning what a school counselor does and who the school counselor is at Daniel Boone (Mrs. Hansen). We read the book, Who the Counselor is Not.  The book tells about all of the jobs at a school and then talks about the school counselor.

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