3rd Grade

3rd Grade Counseling Lesson Information

LESSON #4: Recognize and respect the differences between personal culture and other cultures.  
In this counseling lesson, we talked about our many differences and that our differences make us unique.  We watched Dr. Seuss's "The Sneetches" and talked about what happens when people are treated badly because of their differences.  I encourage you to watch "The Sneetches" with your children and have similar conversations with them.  To watch, please click on the picture below.

LESSON #3: Identify the interpersonal skills necessary to build quality relationships.

During our lesson, we focused on what empathy is and how to show empathy to others. We used the "Empathy Engineers" program and worked through lesson one "Traveling the Globe to Teach Empathy and Compassion. Below you will see how the Empathy Engineers defined compassion and empathy. Your child will be able to tell you more about what they learned from the empathy engineers.

LESSON #2: Identify the interpersonal skills necessary to build quality relationships.

We read the book, Weird by Erin Frankel. In the story, the main character, Luisa, changes everything about herself because another student calls her weird.

We discussed what things Luisa could have done and also how we handle these types of situations at Daniel Boone. When conflicts arise, we often use a restorative approach to repair and damaged relationships. The restorative approach ensures that everyone has a voice and everyone is able to share their perspective. There is then an opportunity for each person to share what they need moving forward and they work together to find a solution. A restorative conversation is done with the help of a third party, often the counselor. If you would like to learn more about restorative practices, you can visit the website at https://www.iirp.edu/news/restorative-practices-in-schools-research-reveals-power-of-restorative-approach-part-i.

LESSON #1: Meet Mrs. Hansen

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