4th Grade

 4th Grade Counseling Lesson Information

LESSON #4:  Describe different types of violence and harassment, and identify strategies for intervention.
During our counseling lesson, we discussed violence and harassment in the form of bullying.  We read "Dare!" by Erin Frankel.  "Dare!" is the second book in a three-book series.  Each book in the series has the same storyline but told from differing perspectives.  The first book, "Weird!" is told from the perspective of the victim of bullying.  The second book, "Dare!" is told from the perspective of a bystander.  The third and final book, "Tough!" is told from the perspective of the person doing the bullying behavior.  
As we read, "Dare!" we talked about what a bystander can do to help the situation (stand up for the person being bullied, tell an adult what is happening, get the victim out of the situation, etc.).  We also talked about the adults at Daniel Boone who could help if something like this happens.  Please talk more with your child about the book and how to handle different situations.

LESSON #3: Using coping skills for managing life changes or events.
During our 3rd counseling lesson, we focused on mindfulness.  Life can be pretty stressful, especially right now, so it is important to learn some coping strategies to help.  We visited the Cosmic Kids Zen Den YouTube channel to learn what mindfulness is and to learn 5 coping strategies for kids

What is Mindfulness?

5 Mindfulness Activities for Kids
Finger Breathing, Settling Thoughts, Listening Game, Counting Breaths, Visualization

LESSON #2: Recognize positive self-talk and communicate personal thoughts and feelings.  
During our 2nd classroom lesson, students learned about positive self-talk and how to communicate their personal thoughts and feelings.  We read I Can Believe in Myself by Miriam Laundry.  We talked about the importance of positive self-talk and then negative affects of having negative self-talk.  We then did an activity where we practiced "flipping" negative thoughts into positive thoughts.

**Virtual students did the activity verbally as a discussion.  

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