2nd Grade

2nd Grade Counseling Lesson News

LESSON #5: Identify similarities and differences among families and their traditions.
In our counseling lesson, we talked about family differences.  We read, "Who is in Your Family?" by Susan Bowman.  This book gives several different family structures and some family traditions.  Students were then asked to draw a picture of their own family having fun together.  The basis of the lesson was to encourage respect and understanding of differences especially among families.  

LESSON #4: Identify the steps of solving problems and conflicts with others.
In this counseling lesson we visited the website Pacer Kids Against Bullying.  We looked at bullying from all perspectives; victim, bystander, and bully.  We talked about how bullying affects everyone, even if they are not directly involved.  I encourage you to visit this website with your children to talk further about bullying and the harm it can cause.

LESSON #3: Practice steps of problem solving and decision making for personal safety.  
In this lesson, we learned ways to practice personal safety.  There are 4 safety rules that we learned about to help us keep ourselves safe.  Please visit the Kid Smartz website for more information.
  1. CHECK FIRST: I will always CHECK FIRST with my parent, guardian, or other trusted adult before I go anywhere, helping anyone, accepting anything, or getting into a car.
  2. TAKE A FRIEND: I will TAKE A FRIEND with me when going places or playing outside.
  3. TELL PEOPLE "NO": I will TELL PEOPLE "NO" if they try to touch me or hurt me.  Its' OK for me to stand up for myself.
  4. TELL MY TRUSTED ADULT: I will TELL MY TRUSTED ADULT if anything makes me feel sad, scared or confused.

LESSON #2: Identify and demonstrate the interpersonal skills to make and keep friends.
In our second lesson of the year, students learned about the skills needed to make and keep friends.  We read the book, Making Friends Is an Art by Julia Cook and talked about the skills that Brown learned in the story.  To get to know our friends better, we did an activity called "Find a friend who..."  For each item, students stood up if it described them.  The other students wrote one of the names in each box.  Getting to know others helps with making and keeping friends.  Keep encouraging your child to be a kind and respectful friend!

**Virtual students did a camera on/camera off activity.  When I stated something on the sheet, students left their cameras on if it applied to them and turned their cameras off if it did not. For example, if I said, "Has a pet dog," students with a dog left their cameras on and if they did not have a dog they turned their cameras off.

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