5th Grade

 5th Grade Counseling Lesson Information

LESSON #4: Review and implement strategies to resolve problems and conflicts successfully.
In this lesson, we finished a 3 book series that we started in 3rd grade.  In this series, the story itself is the same but it is told from different perspectives.  The first book, "Weird," is told from the perspective of someone being teased or bullied.  The second book, "Dare," is from the perspective of a bystander, or someone who sees what is happening but doesn't always know what to do.  The third and final book, "Tough," is told from the perspective of the person who is doing the bullying or teasing.  We had a very good discussion about the different perspectives and how bullying affects everyone.

LESSON #3: Develop strategies to balance family, school and community roles.
During our 3rd counseling lesson, we explored coping skills to deal with the stress that comes from balancing all of life's demands.  We used an interactive program to learn about 5 coping skills listed below.  Talk with your child about how to incorporate these coping strategies into their own lives.

1. Clean up your thoughts

2. De-personalize

3. Talk about it

4. Release Emotions

5. Eat well and exercise

LESSON #2: Demonstrate the personal characteristics to maintain a positive self-concept.
During our 2nd counseling lesson, we learned about the importance of having a positive self-concept.  We read, Hey! You're Great! by Cami Carlson and talked about what it means to have a positive self-concept and what it means to use positive self-talk.  We then created booklets (see below) about all of the things that make us great.  Positive self-talk and positive self-concept is not always easy.  Practicing these practices will help you gain confidence!!

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